50597, IA West Bend, 108 Broadway St Street

50597 IA properties for sale in West Bend with MLS # 250065


  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 4660
  • Active
MLS #250065
MLS# 250065

General Description

Updated and well kept commercial building with options for 3 separate store fronts on a busy main street plus a rear enclosed parking bay. All areas of the building connect and can be opened back up for 1 larger space. Current use is divided into a retail store on the south end with a bathroom, an enclosed rear storage/parking space off the alley & a retail/warehouse space on the north end that takes up 2 of 4 areas. The electrical, HVAC, water heater, plumbing, lighting, walls and roof have all been updated.

Legal: Brief Legal Description: ORIGINAL TOWN LOTS 10, 11, 12 & S 6" & E16' LOT 13 BLOCK 8 and ACREAGE ADDN TRACT IN NE 1/4 ADJ BLK 8, ORIG TOWN 13 94 31
Status: Active

Property Information






108 S Broadway St Street

West Bend










EXIT Realty Midwest- Spencer/Emmetsburg, Dana Reinders (712.580.3948)



Will Kretsinger - REALTOR

Will Kretsinger


Ask About this Property #250065



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